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Success stories – How InStyle’s furnishing solutions helped rent properties within a week

Void periods pose a financial challenge to London landlords as they can lead to losses amounting to thousands of pounds in missed rental income. In a competitive rental market, ensuring your property is always occupied to avoid losses is important. One way to achieve that is by furnishing it to the standards of high-calibre tenants …

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Why are Furniture Packages a smart choice for Hong Kong investors?

In recent years, Hong Kong investors have marked a significant presence in the UK property market, representing more than 10% of international property purchases. However, in a competitive rental market like that of London or the UK, overseas property investors from Hong Kong need to think of creative ways to make their investments stand out …

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Hong Kong investors: Why consider a London furnishing company over a high street retailer?

For Hong Kong investors, the London property market can be a challenging place to navigate, especially when considering the additional task of furnishing a property. After investing your money into the property, the next crucial phase involves getting the home ready for tenants, and the furniture you choose will be key in attracting potential high-quality …

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